Volunteering at Gwynedd

Attending worship and volunteering are the best ways to get acquainted with the Gwynedd community.  There are many opportunities for volunteering without the long term commitment of membership on a committee.

Communications Committee: Contact Carol Ritting

Religious Education Committee: Contact JB Baker-McAllister at gwyneddyfds@gmail.com 
Volunteers are needed to teach Youth Quaker Education classes on Sundays.

Family Promise of Montco PA (formerly Inter-faith Housing Alliance): Contact Marcia Wise at wise.marcia@gmail.com Gwynedd works with FPM-PA to support local families and children who are experiencing food insecurity and/or homelessness to access the resources they need. Food is collected and transported to their food bank and housing is supplied for about a month during the year in conjunction with other local faith groups.  

American Friends Service Committee Sale (AFSC): Contact co-clerk Chris Mrozinski
AFSC is a flea market of donated, quality goods that raise money to support the (AFSC) projects here and abroad. Much help is needed to sort, display, sell and take down the sale.

Peace and Justice Vigil: Contact Judy Inskeep at  inskeeps4peace@verizon.net
Volunteers are needed to stand vigil by holding signs on Rt 202 in front of the Meetinghouse on Saturdays from 2 to 3 PM, weather permitting (not during rain, ice or snow). Bring your own sign message or borrow one of ours.

Gwynedd Property Committee: Contact Doug Fry defry15@verizon.net or Michael Buckley at muniman50@yahoo.com  for Maintenance and Paige Menton for landscaping at paigementon@gmail.com
The Property Committee takes care of our grounds, historic meetinghouse, cemetery and school building, adjacent Hilltop-Avalon group housing property as well as the newer Gwynedd Friends School and the caretakers’ cottage. Help in maintenance or landscaping is always needed.  

Learn to run Zoom at Meeting: Contact Ranvir Bakshi at rkbakshi@comcast.net
Learn to follow the written procedures to run the hybrid Zoom program in the Meetinghouse during worship and other activities.  Participants always work with an experienced partner.

The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL):
Contact Deb Hejl (deb.hejl@gmail.com) for information about how to be informed about national legislation that reflects Quaker values.  Sign up here to receive regular action alerts by email: https://fcnl.quorum.us/sign_in/