
Gwynedd Friends Meeting is an inclusive religious community that affirms the value of all people regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.

Members of the Religious Society of Friends, Quakers, believe in the presence of the Light of God in everyone, direct communion with the Divine, and continuing revelation. Rooted in the Christian tradition, we eagerly welcome believers of all faiths as fellow members of God's universal community.

We gather in silence, quiet the superficial chatter in our minds, calm our hearts, and seek the source of love and truth in our lives. Friends describe this source in various ways: God, the Spirit, the Inward Light, the Divine, the Christ Within, the still small voice. We welcome you to our Meetinghouse. Our worship is in the manner of Friends. Enter quietly and take a seat. Some Friends arrive early to sit in silence and quiet their thoughts before the start of Meeting for Worship. This is called "centering down."

We at Gwynedd Friends follow the "unprogrammed" style of worship, which simply means that we don’t have a pastor who leads our services.

Faith & Practice, a publication of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, serves as one of our practical and spiritual guides. A copy is available, if you would like one.

Quakers bear witness to our core beliefs through direct action on a variety of social concerns. We work locally, nationally and internationally. It’s often said, “Our service begins when worship ends.”